Our activity has been starting on November 2019, due to strong efforts from the owner as well to every single firm that worked on it, and with patience has been accepting our delayed payments.
A special thanks to https://www.arredoincatania.it, http://www.ffarchitetti.it/ https://www.facebook.com/danielaefrancesco.rapisarda. Without their support we could never start it.

However, on 13th December 2019 Regione Siciliana has published the DDG n.3971/3S according to which the European Union is going to give financial support to the activity in the next future.

On 9th January 2020 the Regione Siciliana has notified the starting of the project. It means that soon we should receive the expected funds in order to improve amount and quality of our services! Thanks to EU!

On 29th January 2020, CasaVostra al Parco completed the procedure in order to ask the first part of the exected founds.

Thanks to all private companies which supported us the activity started already, however thanks to such funds we are going to be able to finalize all improvements in order to create a touristic activity which combine automatisation and human contact, high technology and attention to people with disabilities.
European Union is expected to reimburse a total of € 186.825,00, largely already spent also thanks to the financial support from banks, namely the Credito Valtellinese.

The measure is related to POR-FESR Funds, activity: Caronte Code SI_1_19935 CUP G69H18000820007

This website is considered to be "Item 1" funded by the program.

We strongly hope that your experience in our place is going to confirm that such money has been well spent. 

Finally we can confirm that on October 2020 we have received a part of the reimbursement. 
On 10th march 2022 we expect to finalize the project.

Thank you, EU.

Si ringrazia l'Unione Europea per aver finanziato l'intero progetto di CasaVostra al Parco e in particolare questo sito web. 
Grazie ai progetti Por-Fesr misura Codice Cup G69H18000820007 
Codice CIR dell'attività è 19087015B400938